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Q: What would a female combination of sex chromosomes with two Barr bodies in her cells?
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When do chromosomes duplicate in a cells life?

When there joined with a male chromosomes and a female chromosomes

How do the number of chromosomes in a female scorpion's egg cells compare with the number in her body (somatic) cells?

There are 46 chromosomes in your body cells. The egg cells have half the amount of chromosomes as the body cells, so there are 23 chromosomes in the egg cells.

What sex chromosomes does a female have in all her cells?

A female human has two X sex chromosomes in her cells. A male human has one X and one Y sex chromosome in his cells.

A pig has 38 chromosomes in each of its body cells how many chromosomes will be in each of the egg cells released by a female pig?

Sex cells are haploid cells, meaning that they have half the cells of body cells. If a pig has 38 chromosomes, then in its egg cells there will be 19 chromosomes. Also in a male pig there will be 19 in its sperm cells.

Human body cells have 23 pairs of?

Chromosomes (autosomes), not including the sex chromosomes (XY - male, or XX - female).

What are unused female egg cells called?

Unused female egg cells are called polar bodies.

Genes carried only x-chromosomes are said to be?

female cells

What sex chromosomes are contained in a female body cell?

Female cells contain the sex chromosomes XX. A female gamete (ovum/egg) contains one X chromosome.

Why do female and male sex cells have fewer chromosomes than the body cells?

The Y chromosome is found in males only. Females have XX chromosomes whereas males have XY chromosomes. That is why they are different, because an XY cannot be female and an XX cannot be male.

How many reproductive cells in most human bodys?

There are 46 chromosomes in most human bodies. They are made up of 23 pairs of chromosomes, one of which contains two reproductive cells.

What cell is colored bodies and contains DNA and pass traits to new cells?

i think it is chromosomes

How many pairs of chromosomes are there in normal cells in your bodies?

2 pairs of 23 or 46 in total