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A Gamelan orchestra is from southeast Asia and traditionally plays bronze-keyed xylophone-type of instruments, sometimes accompanied by group chanting to the rhythms. For an excellent recorded example listen to the Nonesuch album release from their 1960's Explorer series: "Music From The Morning Of The World."

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11y ago

a gamelan orchestra would long cloaks with colours like yellow red and green and women would wear tights and men would wear ankle trousers

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How big is a gamelan orchestra?

A Gamelan orchestra can be as small as 2 people. The Gamelan orchestra can be as large as 20 or 30 people big.

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What is the tempo of gamelan orchestra of Indonesia?

slow and steady

A balinese instrumental group is called a?

It's generally referred to as a gamelan orchestra. Or simply Balinese gamelan.

What is Indonesian Gamelan?

a gamelan orchestra is an orchestra which comes from Indonesia. this amazing music is centuries old and can be played at festivals or just at home. the word gamelan means 'to hit with a hammer'.

What is a percussion orchestra?

A persion orchestra is an orchestra with the orchestra having only percussion intruments includingMaleltsDrumsBase drumsCymboland other stuff

Why can't two gamelan orchestra's play together?

its sounds realy bad and out of tune?

What country does the instrument suling come from?

Indonesia, notably on Java and Bali where it is used in the Gamelan orchestra.

Why is the Balinese Monkey Chant all men?

It is all men because traditionally only men perform in a Gamelan orchestra and the Monkey Chant is all part of Gamelan music.

What country is gamelan music in?

The Answer to that question being that my wife is originally from there and I've seen them countless times is.... Indonesia. There are many different varieties of Gamelan orchestra's based on which island of Indonesia you are on. These different styles change based on the local Culture. For Example, there are Balinese Gamelan Orchestra's (from the island of Bali) which may be tuned to a different Tambre than a Javanese Gamelan Orchestra (obviously coming from the Island of Java). The Music also changes with the local Culture as far as rhythmic diversity. Best way to understand this music is to continuously listen to it and not be confused by the avant-guarde tuning system used by the Indonesians. It's based on a tonal system uncomparable to western 440 Tuning. Very beautiful music though.

When would you hear Gamelan music?

Gamelan music would be heard in occasions such as Marriages, Birth, Death and religious festivals.

Where is gameln music from?

If you mean gamelan, it originates in Indonesia. It consists of a percussian orchestra that plays modified or embellished versions of the same melody simultaneously.