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The Taiga biome is a snowy, hilly terrain, filled with spruce trees.

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Q: What would a taiga biome look like in Minecraft?
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What is there to do in a taiga biome?

i think that i should go to the taiga biome because i like Canada

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What is a taiga biome?

A Taiga biome is a mountain like hill, that has a lot of trees and vegatation. You can find one in a large portion of Canada, Europe, and Asia. :)

Relative to rainfall the tundra is most like what biome?


How do people destroy the taiga biome with man kind to make houses or stuff like that to destroy the taiga biome houses to all kinds of animals to get there way and hurt the animals by killing things?

The main causes to Environmental damages in the Taiga is: People are tearing down trees and burning them in the Taiga Biome. They are Burning many areas of it to build houses in the Taiga also.

What biome has dominant plants like firs sprucesand cedars that grow very high?


Is taigas a biome?

A Taiga biome is a mountain like hill, that has a lot of trees and vegatation. You can find one in a large portion of Canada, Europe, and Asia. :)

Are all plants located in within a biome?

yes, a biome is like for example: desert, tundra, taiga, tropical rain forest, dedcuious forest. exc.....

Do moose live in taiga?

Moose do live in the taiga or boreal forest. The taiga biome is characterized by a cold and long winter. Taiga biomes are found in areas like northern North America and Europe. The moose is a large animal belonging to the deer family. Moose are plant-eaters.

What are the adaptations of the coniferous trees in the taiga biome?

The coniferous trees of Taiga biome have needle like dark green leaves, stem with thick bark and leaves with waxy covering to resist extremely cold winters. These plants are evergreen with very thick plant stand and conical canopy.

What is wolf's habitat like?

Wolves habitats are usually in colder areas or dense forests. They usually reside in the taiga or tundra biome.