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Holidays in Hawaii leaving you High spirited and Hoping for more!

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Q: What would be a good alliteration about Hawaii?
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What is a song that shows good alliteration?

i think a song with alliteration would be better then revenge by taylor swift

What is the paraphrase of alliteration?

Alliteration is a written sound, such as boom, or bang. So the paraphrase of alliteration would be something such as if the alliteration was "crash", the paraphrase alliteration would be something like, " the plates went crash as they hit the floor". So, a paraphrase alliteration is basically a paraphrase with an alliteration.

Why would you want to visit Hawaii?

Hawaii has good surfing areas and it is really relaxing and is a beautiful place.

Is thrilled a alliteration?

a word by itself can not be referred to as alliteration. However, if you were to quote 'around the rock the ragged rascal ran' then you would have alliteration

How do you use launch in a alliteration?

First, you learn what alliteration is. Then, you think of "launch" and how you would use it in a sentence. Then you write a sentence with "launch" and an alliteration of it.

What is an alliteration of the word broken?

"battered beatitudes" would be an alliteration of the word broken.

How do you write a alliteration with launch?

First, you learn what alliteration is. Then, you think of "launch" and how you would use it in a sentence. Then you write a sentence using "launch" and an alliteration of it.

What is a literary device found in many proverbs?

You have parallelism and alliteration but alliteration would be the main one.

What would be some alliteration about a helicopter?

The alliteration for helicopters could be higher helicopters or heavy helicopters

Is good as gold alliteration?

No, "good as gold" is not an example of alliteration. Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial sound in a sequence of words. In "good as gold," the initial sounds are different (g and g).

What is the format of an alliteration poem?

An alteration can be done in different formats. The only thing that must be true for it to be an alliteration poem would be for it to have multiple instances where alliteration is used.

Is you sang songs an alliteration?

alliteration is using words with same letters so sang songs would qualify