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copper wire

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Q: What would be a good conductor for a closed circuit?
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Is water an open or closed circuit?

Water is neither an open or closed circuit. There is no electrical circuit without a power supply and a load. With that said, pure water is not a good conductor of electricity; if other matter/ions are present in the water, the conductivity may be high enough to consider it a good conductor.

What is circuit that is complete and unbroken with flowing electric current?

Yes, as long as the unbroken path is a good conductor of electricity.

Why would you connect wires to a penny?

Answer why does the person who made a circuit a probably connect the wires to a penny

Is cheese a conductor?

No. Cheese would not be a good conductor.

Why does metal complete a circuit when you plug it into an outlet?

Metal is a good conductor of electricity hence it gives an easy path and completes the circuit.

Will a copper penny complete an electricity circuit?

Yes. Copper is a very good conductor. But a penny is not a safe device to include in an electrical circuit.

Would a good conductor create more resistance or a good insulator?

Good conductor = low resistance.

What are the requirements for electricity to flow in a circuit?

A good conductor ana potential difference between two poles

What are good conductors for a closed circuit?

silver, copper are generally used in electric circuits

How would you classify lemon juice or vinegar as a good conductor or poor conductor?

lemon juice with salt will act as a very good conductor also vinegar is a conductor but not a very good one

Would a copper pipe be better as a conductor or an insulator?

Copper is a good conductor.

What would be an example of a good thermal conductor?

Graphene is the best thermal conductor. Any metal or metallic objects such as a frying pan would be a good thermal conductor, including diamond.