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Q: What would be a good powerful verb for slope?
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What part of speech is slope?

Slope is a noun (a slope) and a verb (to slope).

Is the verb in this sentence an action or linking verb Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

In this sentence, the verb "tumbled" is an action verb because it describes the physical action of Angela falling down the steep slope.

What is a more powerful verb than pull?

Tug is another powerful verb for pull

Is the verb in this sentence an action verb or linking verb 'Angela tumbled down a steep slope'?


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Is this sentence action or linking verb Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

The answer is no. Transitive means it has a direct object. Angela tumbled what? Nothing. Some may say yes buecause of slope but slope is in a prepositional phrase. (down the slope down=preposition)

Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

Intransitive Verb. and Action Verb.

Is sloping a verb?

It can be, as a form of the verb "to slope." It is the present participle of the verb, and may be used as an adjective meaning "inclined."

Is the verb in this sentence an action verb or linking verb Angela tumbled down a steep slope?

Tumble (ed) is an action.

Sentences that use powerful verbs and powerful noun phrases?

is powerful a noun or verb

What is the verb for powerful?

Power is already a verb when used with an object. For example, the action "to power something". Another verb would be empower, as in the action of "giving someone or something power".

What is a powerful action verb?
