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Q: What would be an abnormal sign associated with a heat emergency?
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What heat emergency would you apply cool packs to the neck and groin and armpits?

Heat Stroke

When would you cool a casualty's body by sprinkling water during a heat emergency?

heat exhaustion

Are the signs of a heat related emergency?

heat cramps

When should you use emergency heat?

During an emergency. i.e. when the heat pump is not working. If your heat pump can not keep your house warm, then the auxiliary heating coils (same thing as emergency heat) will come on automatically. If not, then there is a problem with your heating system.

Are the initial signs of a heat related emergency?

heat cramps

What are the initial signs of a heat-related emergency?

heat cramps

What are the initial signs of heat related emergency?

heat cramps

What are the initial signs of heat-related emergency?

heat cramps

What is em heat on a honeywell thermostat?

this stands for emergency heat

What does the EM heat mean on your thermostat for your central AC heating unit?

If you have a heat pump A/C unit then you have auxillary heat and emergency heat. The EM stands for emergency heat, which is using only your electric heat strips or gas heat, depending on your system. The auxillary heat uses your compressor inside of your outside unit. Say the house is 60 degrees inside and you set your stat to 70, the temperature difference is so great that if the heat pump alone cannot satisfy, then the auxillary heat would come on to assist the heat pump. Say you were to get a leak in either your condenser or evaporator coils, your heat pump would not work on the regular heat setting on the tstat. In this circumstance you would want to use just the emergency heat until a service tech can evaluate the system.

Which heat emergency should you apply cool packs to neck?

Heat Stroke

Which heat emergency do you cool the casualties body by sprinkling him or her with water?

Heat exhaustion