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Q: What would be an animals source of glucose if it only eats meat?
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What do you call an animal that eats meat and plant?

an Omnivore

What animal that eats dead animals without hunting?

An animal that consumes dead animals would be a detrivore; however, there are decomposers like bacteria and fungi that also utilize dead organic material for an energy source.

What eats owls that is omnivorous?

Nothing. Owl pellets are made of the indigestible part of the animals an owl eats. (bones and fur) since there is nothing edible inside of them, no other animals use them as a food source. Source: I'm an apprentice falconer

Sugar molecules are the original source of food for what or any animal that eats plant or other animals?


What is a consumer that eats other animals and plants?

A consumer that eats other animals and plants is called an omnivore. If they'd only other animals, they would be called carnivores. If they ate only plants, they would be called herbivores.

What would happen if all of the herbivores died out?

if all animals would be herbivores then there would be more plant eating animals but plants and trees would not increase and one or the other day all herbivores also will be extinct.

What or who eats the jackal berry tree?

The animals that eats the jackal berry tree would be:elephantszebraskoala bearnigripes ants

What would you call something that eats both animals and plants?


What does a cougar do for its community?

It eats other animals. If it did not, the population of animals would increase to the point there was not enough food for them.

What is the main source of food for most animals?

it depends if the animal is a herbivore or eats meat. for herbivores, plants and vegetation, for animals that eat meat, smaller mammals and things like that.

What animal eats animals that have eaten plants would be classified as a?

Tertiary consumers.

What is an organism that eats plants and animals?

OmnivoresomnivoreSomething that eats both plants and animals is called an omnivore.Something that eats both plants and animals is called an omnivore.