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Q: What would be different about the graph before the evolution of photosynthetic organisms?
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Did organisms that require oxygen exist before photosynthetic organisms?

It would be impossible for oxygen requiring organisms to exist before photosynthetic organisms because there was not oxygen in the atmosphere for these organisms to breathe. Photosynthetic organisms take carbon dioxide and water in and create oxygen as waste. Before these photosynthetic organisms existed there was not enough or any oxygen in the atmosphere for organisms requiring oxygen to survive.

Sexual reproduction evolved before the evolution of?

Multicellular organisms

What was the evolution before vertebrates?

The same as it was when and after vertebrates. Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Change over time. Happens and happened in single celled organisms and invertebrates long before there were vertebrates.

How did the evolution of photosynthetic prokaryotes affect the level of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Photosynthesizing prokaryotes affected the ancient atmosphere by adding oxygen. In ancient times the oxygen level was .42%, compared to the 21% oxygen level now. Photosynthesizing prokaryotes have made the world livable today.

How was naming organisms different before Carolus Linnaeus?

They didnt have pro as "us" on the end

What is effect of plate movement on the evolution and diversity of animal and plant species?

Plate movements has lead to dispersion of different organisms over time. Animal and Plant species of different types have been transported and displaced to new environments resulting to introduction of species that did not exist in an area before to become an inhabitant of such place.

What is the effect of plate movement on the evolution and diversity of animal and plant species?

Plate movements has lead to dispersion of different organisms over time. Animal and Plant species of different types have been transported and displaced to new environments resulting to introduction of species that did not exist in an area before to become an inhabitant of such place.

What were darwins views about the origin of species before he sailed on the beagle?

Prior to sailing on the Beagle, Darwin was yet to observe different species of animals and plants in different regions. The observations were valuable in conceptualizing evolution. Before the voyage, Darwin believed that species were confined to different geographical locations, but ideas of species adaptation and evolution were nonexistent.

What is a scientific term for different types of organisms feeding on the organism before it in a series?

This is a food chain.

What is the effect of competition on the evolution of the community of organisms?

Competition is the driving factor in the evolution of organisms. The ones who are least fit (have the inferior DNA for surviving) will be outcompeted and will die before reproduction is possible, or will not be able to provide for their offspring. Therefore, their genetic material will be destroyed. Only the strongest organisms (best DNA) will survive, reproduce, and pass on their information. Therefore, a random mutation in one's DNA that causes it to have a beneficial trait that allows it to outcompete other organisms in the community will survive, pass on its DNA and cause the loss of other weaker animals' DNA.

What must photosynthetic bacteria provide before eukaryote could evolve?

Oxygen Production.

Who evolves before grimer in Pokemon?

Grimer does not have a pre-evolution. The Pokemon before Grimer in the PokeDex is Dewgong, evolution of Seel.