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The worldwide spread of communism.

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Q: What would be the effect if the United States lost the Cold War?
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What affect did cold war fear have on domestic politics?

The effect of the cold war on politics is the fear that communism would spread in to United States.

Are you allowed in the military if you get cold sores?

Yes, you would be allowed in the United States military. A cold sore is caused by a virus which doesn't effect your ability to function in the armed services.

Is July cold?

Depends on where you live and what you consider 'cold', but in the United States, most would say July is hot.

Where all states involved in the cold war?

All the states of the United States were.

How does a cold front affects CA?

Cold fronts tend to effect the eastern states more than the western states. However, California can get cooler weather when a cold front occurs which can effect fishing.

What effect did North Korea's nuclear weapons have on the United States?

Any hostile nation with such a weapon puts us right back into the cold war; Tension.

What two countries were involve in the cold war?

United States and the Soviet Union

Where in the united states is it cold 24 7?

In Alaska, there are villages that are cold 24/7.

How did Eisenhowner's domino theory express the basic assumptions of American cold war?

The domino theory was promoted at times by the United States government and speculated that if one state in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect. The domino theory was used by successive United States administrations during the Cold War to justify the need for American intervention around the world.

The Berlin Airlift was a Cold War victory for?

The United States

The Berlin airlift was a cold victory for?

The united states. (apex)

Which air masses cause cold waves over the central eastern United States?

The North America air masses is what causes cold waves. This is in the Central Eastern United States.