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It depends. Some churches already believe that man is subject to evolution, but others strictly believe evolution is false and are unlikely to change their thoughts or beliefs at all

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Q: What would be the effect if the church accept the ideas of the scientist that man is product of evolution?
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What is the fuss about evolution?

Evolution was first suggested by the Greeks in the 6th century BCE but as more of a philosophical point. It wasn't until the 18th century that there was enough data to formulate scientific theories. A scientist called Lamark came up with the first mechanism for evolution but it was rejected by mainstream biologists. Charles Darwin suggested that evolution works by a process he called Natural Selection. This provided biologists with a strong and compelling mechanism for evolution. Unfortunately this refuted what many theologians held to be true. Many argued that the world was created as it is today.The argument continues today. Scientists at large accept the theory of Evolution by Natural Selection to be true as it has since been backed up with a large amount of genetic evidence (as opposed to 'only' palaeontological and biogeographical evidence available to Darwin and his contemporaries). I would guess that most ordinary people also accept the theory but there are groups of people who don't, often due to a theological bias (not always , the Roman Catholic Church has no issues with evolution). The 'fuss' continues between these groups and will probably continue for the foreseeable future.AnswerThe fuss? well, like they said church vs. science as always. it threatens what was thoght to be true (creationism, etc...) by the church, and the church being all high-and-mighty did not like losing its followers to science. those that were true to religion do not like it because it snubs what they hold to be true, not one likes to be wrong, and no one likes to lose faith. so the fuss continues onward as science grows stronger with more proof.....

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What did the catholic say about Darwin's discoveries and the book?

The Catholic Church has never condemned Darwin's work. In fact, Venerable Pope Pius XII said that people could accept it as a theory, but that Catholics may not believe in atheistic evolution.

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