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Q: What would be the positives and negatives to a dystopian society?
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What are the positives and negaives of communication?

Well, the positives are endless. Without communication our world would fall apart. We couldn't talk or write anything to each other. But the negatives are of very few. But I suppose being made fun of or yelled at by your parents would be negatives.

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It would be negative because there would be more negatives that positives

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That would be communism. See Mao, Stalin...result 100 mil murdered. Sounds good (in theory) but not so great in practice.

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The Forgotten Destination Mars

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Positives are everyone loves you or knows who you are, you get to go places and meet people that you would not normally socialise with. Negatives are that some people hate you or you could have a creepy stalker following you around, and you no longer have a private life or a day off. Everything you do and say impacts on your earning power.

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The positives are that you would make a lot of money and be famous. If you win championships you will get reconized by everyone. The negatives are that you could get injured (although it is unlikeky) and die or get paralized. Also if you beat a team than the fans might get mad and try to harm you.

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2 positives would be: Technology and tools. 2 negatives would be: Guns and Whiskey

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the positives on capital punishment; this type of punishment could reduce crime, the other side it promote crime as people would kill the witness, in order to erase information about the case

What positives and negatives would you expect when you go into a shop?

a positive would be that you can get stlyes and fashoin you want and a negaive would that you have yo spend money :3 TROLL FACE LOLOLOL

If you add three positives and 1 negative then your final answer is which positive or negative?

Well, it would depend on what number the positives and negatives are.For example:1+1+2+(-4)= -1or4+7+3+(-2)= 12

Is gay life in Bangkok better than Pattaya?

Well this would be an opinion, there is no straight answers. Im sure there are positives and negatives for both lives.