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he most likely will not get the flu

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Q: What would be the repercussions from giving a 4 month old child a seasonal flu vaccine?
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What is the Tri vaccine giving to new child?

The vaccine sometimes called the tri vaccine is the DTaP vaccine. This vaccine protects children against diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis, diseases which can be deadly to young children.

Can a pregnant woman ge the measles immunization?

If a pregnant woman mistakenly gets the MMR vaccine or conceive within days of getting the vaccine, she should be counseled about the potential theoretical risks to the fetus. Getting the vaccine is not enough ground to terminating the pregnancy. Pregnancy registry of 324 pregnant women who got the vaccine did not show any terotegenicity to the fetus. No baby reported any adverse events due to the vaccine

How does the sugar lump vaccine prevent a child from getting polio?

It works like any other vaccine by giving a minute amount of the germ to the child. Not enough to cause polio itself, but enough to make the body's immune system fight it by creating antibodies. Then, if the vaccinated child should come into contact with the polio germ again, the body already knows how to fight it. The immune response kicks in and protects the child. There is an interesting thing about the sugar lump method of giving this vaccine, and that is that a breast fed baby must not be given breast milk for half an hour before the vaccine and also half an hour afterwards. This is because mothers milk will already have the antibodies in it and will destroy the vaccine before it can work. One of the big advantages of breastfeeding is that the mother's mature immune system always fights any infection the baby may be exposed to.

Can you give the routine vaccine for feverish child?


If child had vaccine for hepatitis will he get again?

of course not

What vaccine was at once time thought to increase the risk of a child developing autism?

The MMR vaccine.

What types of reactions can a vaccine cause in a child?


Who provides MMR vaccine?

One Stop Clinic For All Vaccines. Baby & Child, Women, Travel vaccine

Is it safe for your child to get the H1N1 vaccine between his 1st and 2nd dose of the seasonal flu vaccine?

Yes, if they are getting both vaccines by injections. That timing of the two kinds of vaccinations (seasonal flu shot and swine flu shot) is not a problem, in fact they could be given at the same time. This is not true for the nasal mist vaccinations, however.You can NOT take a nasal flu mist for swine flu at the same time as you take a nasal flu mist for seasonal flu. They can render each other ineffective. Ask a health care professional how long you should wait between these two kinds of nasal mist vaccinations.You can take a nasal flu mist for swine flu with any other nasal flu mist vaccine EXCEPT the one for seasonal flu.The 2009 H1N1 flu shot (inactivated 2009 H1N1 vaccine) can be given at the same visit as any other vaccine, including pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.You can take a swine flu nasal mist at the same time as a seasonal flu shot.You can take the H1N1/09 swine flu shot and a nasal mist for the seasonal flu at the same time.There would be no reason to take the swine flu shot at the same time as the swine flu nasal mist since both do the same thing, so that should not be done.

Should you dress your boy as girl?

No. A child should be dressed and raised in their right gender. To dress him as a girl will certainly have many repercussions on his mental health. Also when he his older and has reaches puberty there will also be repercussions.

What is Friday's child in Mother Goose rhyme?

According to the nursery rhyme, Friday's child is loving and giving.

How many times could this vaccine be given for a child in his lifetime?
