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Q: What would cause a person to stop breathing?
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A: Actually it would not be cause the slim can cause a sickness in your digestive system and cause it to stop your breathing so it is not good to eat a snail.. Thanks For Asking

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Can dolphins choose not to breathe?

Yes, Dolphins can just stop breathing if they want to, it would be called Suicide. They would do this by stopping there breathing hole. If a Dolphin is stressed or unhappy it has been known for them to just stop breathing !

Will a sedated person wake up if they stop breathing?

No. They're sedated, remember?

How long a person die when he stop breathing?

After three minutes of not breathing, the brain is essentially devoid of use. After 5 minutes of not breathing, the body shuts down.

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What 3 words would cause an arguementative person to stop fighting?

i love you i am sorry you are right

What would cause your lungs to stop working?

There are a number of different reasons why a person's lungs might stop working. For instance, a person could become choked, and that would stop the lungs. Or, a person might have a disease like cystic fibrosis, where the lungs essentially give out.

Can you get hurt if someone lays on top of you?

Yes, if they are heavy enough they can crush you, or cause you to stop breathing.

Can fear really paralyze you?

Fear can do a lot of things to a person. Fear can stop people from moving, cause people to lose control of their bowel, cause people to shake, panic, scream, breathe heavily, breathe uncontrolably, cry, and yes even stop breathing. In some cases, it can cause a person to lose pigment in their skin, make their hair stand, or send eerie chills up one's spine. In the worst cases, it can go as far as causing someone's death. Most often if you stop breathing from fright, you will pass out and start breathing again .

What do you think will happen if the heart stop pumping?

you would stop breathing and die. after a few days you would get cold and your insides would explode

What would cause a perfectly healthy 17 year old dog to stop moving and cease to breathe for almost a month now?

The not breathing is a real clue here. I would suggest the dog is dead.