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A heart attack.

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Q: What would cause pain in left arm and radiate into your ribs?
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Does the pain in your elbow radiate to your hand(?)

Warning of a heart attack pain may radiate down the?

pain may radiate down the arm

Could your ankle cause pain in your hole leg?

Yes, pain can radiate throughout the whole limb at times. If the pain is theresult of inflammation then it would be wise to bring it under control in order to avoid lasting joint damage.

What would cause left shoulder pain?

Some causes would be, sleeping on left side, sprain, or a strain.

What cause pain below the sternum or what is heartburn?

Heartburn and chest pain can be difficult to distinguish. However, some clear differences exist. Chest pain that is cardiac in nature cannot be relived by antacid and can sometimes be relived by nitroglycerin. Cardiac chest pain can radiate down the left arm or up into the jaw.

How physiologically does pain radiate through the nerves?

Pain travels from a position to another. That happens through the sensitivity of the nerves.For example: 'Mid back pain radiate' is faster since a bundle of nerves pass through your spinal chord. The prostaglandins produced due to muscle spasms or strains cause heating effects on the site of the pain.

What would cause sharp pain in upper left leg or hip joint?

Pain occurring on the outside of the hip and upper thigh or outer buttock may be strained muscles, ligaments, or tendons in the hip area. Shooting pains that radiate into your legs can be a sign of lower back strain or a hernia.

What could cause pain in the calf of your leg There is no pain radiating from the hip However the pain does radiate down to the foot?

Pain in your calf can be as simple as a 'charlie horse' and as bad as a blood clot. If you also have lower back pain too, then you may have sciatic pain which originates in your lower back and can radiate down to your leg and foot. In any event, since the pain is continuing, you should consult your doctor for the correct diagnosis.

What arm does the pain go in a heart attack?

The left one. Classically, the pain of a heart attack will radiate to the neck, jaw, or left shoulder and arm. However, in reality, the pain can radiate almost anywhere - including to the abdomen, back, neck, jaw, or either shoulder or arm.

What would cause a dog sudden sharp pain on their left side?

If a dog is in pain it is advised to see a vet. Pain in their side could be something life threatening.

Does back problems radiate pain in shoulders?


What would cause pain in center of chest when moving left arm?

It could be a sign of a broken rib.