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sounds like a loose connection to me causing it to arc and burn, you had better call a sparky out PDQ

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Q: What would cause the fuse box to smell fishy when the shower is switched on?
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Can you give me a sentence for fishy?

You smell fishy.

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Maybe he ate fish.

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No, It smells like it used to...

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yes cause it cant have a shower dah

Is it normal for a circumcised penis to smell fishy?

No it is not normal for any penis to smell fishy, Circumcised or not, simple daily cleaning even with just clear water, should prevent any "fishy smell."

Why do lemons cut the fishy smell?

the citric acid in the lemon neutralizes the fish oils thus breaking down the power of the fishy smell

Why when the shower is used is there a nasty fishy smell coming from the cupboard behind where the shower is located?

Its caused by dampness. The only solution to this is to strip your shower completely, tiles and old waterproofing (if any) and re-waterproof the shower and retile. I also recommend changing the shower trap and waste pipes along with the shower water pipes if one can afford to do so. Rather do the job once properly.

What does rivers smell like?

Salt water; fishy

Fishy odor in penis how do you get rid of it?

I don't know about the fishy smell. But if you want to get rid of any smell from your penis then all you have to do is. Wash regularly. Dry under foreskin before putting on CLEAN under ware. Use soap to clean under foreskin (shower gel is good too) And if you really want it fresh, spray some deodorant there too. ;)

Could eating Caesar salads cause you to have a strong vaginal odor?

Probably not. You may have a bacterial infection. Does it smell fishy? Go to the doctor

How do penguins breath smell like?

the same reason why fish smell like fish because of there habbitat.

Is Creme brûlée supposed to smell fishy?

No! It should smell sweet and slightly smoky.