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Q: What would happen if I drunk alcohol after getting a penicillin shot?
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What will happen if you get drunk while taking penicillin vk?


Is it safe to drink alcohol while on Penicillin VK?

Yes it is safe to drink alcohol in moderation while on Penicillin VK. The myth that you can't came from a moral perspective years ago in VD clinics (sexual health clinics). While alcohol is fine to drink while taking Penicillin VK, they were worried about people getting drunk, losing their inhibitions, and spreading disease before the penicillin had chance to clear it up.

What makes you get drunk?

Getting Alcohol in your blood makes you drunk. This is achieved by drinking alcohol or an alcoholic beverage.

What will happen if you give the spider alcohol?

it gets drunk

What will happen if people continue to drink alcohol?

people will continue to get drunk.

How can you drink more alcohol without getting drunk?

Drink odols

Why electrolysis don't occur in case of Alcohol?

Do you mean why don't people try it while drunk or who doesn't it happen in alcohol? It does happen, I'm currently doing it right now to make hydrogen and I'm drunk at the moment.

What can result in consuming alcohol?

Having fun and getting drunk. Any other questions?

What happens to the baby if the mother drink alcohol?

the baby can be born with fetal alcohol syndrome

Can you drink alcohol while on Roxithromycin?

yes, getting drunk will help the healing process of this drug

Can you drink alcohol when on penicillin?

If you are on penicillin and drinking alcohol then you should drink very minute servings as that and the penicillin can counter act with your kidneys and you could get kidney damage or even worse kidney failure.On a less fatalistic note - alcohol will reduce the effectiveness of your immune system, negating the beneficial effects of the penicillin. While renal damage IS possible, it is rare. Your best bet is to consult your doctor.

What drug to take so not to get drunk?

There is no drug that will prevent you from getting drunk if you over-indulge in drinking alcohol. The only solution is to drink in moderation or not at all.