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Q: What would happen if a power line were to fall on the ground?
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What would happen if a power line were to fall from the power pole to the ground?

we all die!!!!!! we all die!!!!!!

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To ground price will fall

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It would die and fall down into the ground.

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Then everything in space would fall for the ground due to the massive gravitational force that it is emitting.

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it will fall to the ground

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you'd fall? you dumbas$

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What if, what if? It's never going to happen, so we may never know. Most likely, it would lose control, fall to the ground, and die. Hopes this answers your question!

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it will fall on you

What will happen to a stone dropped from the roof of a single story building to the surface of the earth?

The stone would fall straight down from the release point, it would fall with steadily increasing speed, and when it hit the ground, it would stop falling. The rate at which its speed increased during the fall would be 32.2 feet per second faster every second.

If dead leaf fall to the ground what will happen to it?

it decomposes and it turns into organic matter, it can aslo become nutrients.

If an elephant fell off the empire state building what would happen?

That is kind of a weird question, but it would fall and then hit the ground breaking most of its bones and crushing its organs and probably damage the pavement.

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it will fall