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Yes, you can experience free fall in a plane, but normally this would only happen for a short period of time. There is only so long you can do this before pulling up or hitting the ground.

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Q: Can you get zero gravity on a plane when falling?
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How do you get a gravity free room?

There is no real such thing as a room without gravity, but you can create the illusion of zero gravity by accelerating downwards very quickly (i.e. in an aeroplane). This is one of the tests that they use for training astronauts! In addition: there is now a gravity-free plane! It's the "Zero G" plane and simulates no gravity as it dives. It is still extremely expensive, but provides a "once-in-a-lifetime experience".

Does it mean a pencil is falling if you were in a freely falling elevator and you dropped a pencil and saw that the pencil was hovering?

In the unlikely event you find yourself in a freely-falling elevator, then the relative motion of the pencil is among the least of your concerns.If the pencil were hovering, then both you and the pencil are in free-fall.A condition that is not permanent for you and me, and it will eventually stop.This is commonly referred to as zero gravity, but should be called zero net gravity, for in your space station, gravity still acts - but it is exactly balanced out by centrifugal force. If gravity actually became zero, then your space station would speed off into space.

Give an example of an unbalanced force?

When you start falling, you are in the situation when you are subject to the unbalanced force - gravity. After some time of falling force of gravity is balanced by air drug force at that moment you reach so called "terminal velocity" and your acceleration becomes zero.

When the air resistince on a falling object equals the pull of gravity on the object what happens?

-- The net vertical force on it is zero. -- Its acceleration is zero. -- Its speed is constant. -- Its speed is what's often called its "terminal velocity".

How does force and gravity effect a falling object?

Gravity is a force that accelerates the falling object towards the ground.

Related questions

How far up from the earth is zero gravity?

Zero gravity is not a question of height or altitude, its a question about motion. You can experience something close to zero G on a roller coaster, air plane, falling elevator and sky diving. All of these involve MOTION. Just as the space station, or space ship is falling around a planet (called orbit) it is the falling, not the distance above the planet that creates zero gravity.

What is the meaning of zero gravity chamber?

Zero gravity or weightlessness, is falling under the earths gravitational pull, in a orbiting spacestation, you are falling to earth, but the orbiting velocity is exactly enough to keep you stable. Creating this siuation on earth is difficult as air resistance in ballistic parabolic flights cuts short the ride, fire the plane up then shut off the motors at the top of the curve allows the brief experience of falling to earth weightless, increasing velocity of the plane however will invite increasing force of air resistance and its acceleration becomes less than yours inside the plane , and you will catch up the plane, ending your ride.

A falling stone has zero acceleration?

Only if it has enough wind resistance to cancel out gravity.

Is it possible for the body to have zero velocity and non zero average acceleration?

Yes, satellite orbiting the Earth in a Geo-Stationary Orbit has 0 Velocity relative to a point on the Earth, BUT it experience the 'Pull' (acceleration) of Gravity, which prevents it from escaping its Orbit. The Gravity is LESS than that at the surface of the Earth, but not 0. The feeling of WEIGHTLESSNESS is not due to Zero Gravity, but due to the fact that Object is FALLING through its Orbit. A Person Falling "feels" Zero Gravity.

How do you get a gravity free room?

There is no real such thing as a room without gravity, but you can create the illusion of zero gravity by accelerating downwards very quickly (i.e. in an aeroplane). This is one of the tests that they use for training astronauts! In addition: there is now a gravity-free plane! It's the "Zero G" plane and simulates no gravity as it dives. It is still extremely expensive, but provides a "once-in-a-lifetime experience".

Where can you go in a zero gravity chamber?

There is no such thing as a zero gravity chamber. The only way to experience weightlessness is in freefall. There are planes that you can board which will go into dives up to 30 seconds long. During these dives the planes are in freefall. Since you are falling at the same rate as the plane is, you will seem to float around the cabin and will feel weightless. It is the same reason that astronauts in orbit are weightless.

Why do astronauts float weightlessly in space?

There is (apparent) zero gravity. The absolute gravity in orbit is about 90% of what it is on the surface of the earth, but the effective gravity is zero, and for a good reason.The fact is that in orbit, you are actually falling, but your forward speed is such that the curvature of the planet is dropping at the same rate that you are falling.And the astronauts are falling at the exact same speed as their capsule. This is called freefall.

Does it mean a pencil is falling if you were in a freely falling elevator and you dropped a pencil and saw that the pencil was hovering?

In the unlikely event you find yourself in a freely-falling elevator, then the relative motion of the pencil is among the least of your concerns.If the pencil were hovering, then both you and the pencil are in free-fall.A condition that is not permanent for you and me, and it will eventually stop.This is commonly referred to as zero gravity, but should be called zero net gravity, for in your space station, gravity still acts - but it is exactly balanced out by centrifugal force. If gravity actually became zero, then your space station would speed off into space.

Can 0 gravity be recreated on earth?

NO.There is actually no place in the universe where there is zero gravity.However, the sensation of zero gravity can be approximated. A falling body inside another falling body, without any sensory indication (wind resistance, friction, visual cues, etc.) to the pull of gravity, will experience the illusion of zero gravity.*The "vomit comet", so called because many tend to vomit during its descent, actually shows that humans can become disoriented because of gravitational pull. Because the inner ear, which orients you to gravity, is sensing that you are falling, while all other senses are incapable of sensing the fall.

Can zero gravity be created in the laboratory?

No; creating zero gravity on Earth is not possible, unless the lab is at the center of the Planet or is free falling; like an aircraft accelerating towards the ground, namely the Vomit Comet. Stephen Hawking took that ride!

Why does a falling subjected to earths gravity does not continue to accelerate forever?

what your talking about is terminal velocity, which is when the downward force of gravity (Fg)equals the upward force of drag (Fd). This causes the net force on the object to be zero, resulting in an acceleration of zero

Why plane acts against law of gravity?

It doesn't. Gravity still acts on the plane. Simply, there are other forces involved. For comparison, if you stand on the floor, there are also other forces involved, that don't let you continue falling towards the Earth's center.