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it would be something far more powerful than any dinosaur

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Q: What would happen if a spinosaurus had a baby with trex?
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Who would win out of trex and spinosaurus?

The T.rex is the "King of the Dinosaurs" so it means that it can defeat anything on it's way.

What was larger and more ferocious than TRex?

Giganotosaurus spinosaurus carcharodontosaurus and allosaurus.

What is bigger a spinosaurus or a t-rex?

Spinosaurus was larger, but the Tyrannosaurus is much stronger.

Who do people like better trex or spinosaurus?

When I ask people what their favorite dinosaur is, by far the majority say Tyrannosaurus rex. I haven't asked a lot of people, but nobody has answered Spinosaurus. Technically, I don't have a very large sample size, but I would still guess that Tyrannosaurus is far more popular than Spinosaurus.

Which is better, T. rex or Spinosaurus?

even though the T rex is more popular I gotta give the spinosaurus a 6 out of 10 because hey it can swim sure the Trex has a bigger bite force but spinosaurus was famous because it was the biggest carnivores dinosaur. hey a bigger is better

Is there a bigger dinosar than trex?

yes spinosaurus and giganotosaurus were bigger than t rex and so was the brachiosaurus and many other dinosaurs.

Who would win in a fight a trex or rajasaurus?


How come the Spinosaurus managed to grab the Trex close enough with his jaws for him to grab his neck though his arm locomotion is limited?

spino had long arms

Who would win in a trex vs pteranadon fight?


Why wasn't the Trex biting the Spinosaurus with all its strength in the fight in Jurassic Park 3?

The Tyrannosaurus was biting with all its strength. It's just that a Spinosaurus has a longer snout, and has more leverage. Like trying to unscrew something with a longer wrench. try it sometime.

Can a spinosaurus defeat a t rex?

If you think of it no. In JP3 spinosaurus was 9 tons, but it was a fish eater. How can you get to 9 tons on fish. Second when Trex had a grip on spinosaurus it would be over. Trex has slightly curved teeth that have bacteria all over it. Even if spinosaur escaped it would die from infection. That would unlikely happen because trex has bone crushing jaws and spinosaurus has hollow bones for catching fish. One bite from rex and x.x

Who can kill t-rex?

Spinosaurus could be killed by its rival Carcharodontosaurus,by the way about the whole tyrannosaurus rex vs spinosaurus fight in jurassic park 3 was FAR from what really would have happened if these two met each other,despite some movies and inacurate documentaries say, spino was NOT 50 to 60 feet long but actually about 40 to 50 feet long[about the same size as tyrannosaurus rex] and it was not a superpredator that role went to Carcharodontosaurus while Spinosau ate 20 foot long fish,baby Paralititan and its favorite prey Ouranosaurus