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The Mitochondria provide the power and energy for the cell.

The cell receiving no mitochondria would essentially starve and die.

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Q: What would happen if all the mitochondria only went in one cell during mitosis?
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The cell would remain in the G2 phase and would not enter into mitosis

What would happen if the mitochondria were removed from a cell?

If all the mitochondria were removed from a cell it would no longer be able to function. This is because the mitochondria produces the energy for the cell.

What stage in mitosis does the chromosomes uncoil happen?

During the telophase phase, the chromosomes begin to uncoil. There are six phases with mitosis and telophase is number four.

What would happen if mitosis stopped working?

we;d die

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the cell would not form

What is more likely to happen when mitochondria malfunction?

When there is malfunction in the mitochondria,the cell is starved of oxygen and would die quickly

What happen to a eukaryotic cell if all it's mitochondria were destroyed?

It would cease to exist. The mitochondria are the power plants.

What would happen to a cell if all of it mitochondria was destroyed?

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