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Q: What would happen if an anteater lived in the cold?
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if we lived on neptune we would be blowen round because winds blow at 2000 miles per hour and it is very cold

What does the giant anteater use as a blanket on cold nights?

The giant anteater uses its tail as a blanet on cold nights.

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you get cold

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It will get wet and cold, which would be cruel.

What would happen if you were running in cold weather?

You'll get cold... you might get a cold or a sick and cold

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I would die out there!

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They would get cold and possibly die

What would happen if a lion lived at the South Pole?

It would die of cold on the first day. If you gave it a warm house to live in, it would die of thirst in the first few days. There are no animals to hunt, no grass, and no trees at the South Pole.

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it would be cold bad

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The people in the home would be cold.

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they would have to adapt to the cold

What would happen to earths water without wind?

it would become to cold