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IF you are talking about in an aquarium: snail would close up into its shell and live for a few days then die. In the wild: they would move to new environment, some would die.

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Q: What would happen if animal habitat is destroyed?
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they would run aound like crazy im pretty sure of that

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Most likely, the plant or animal would suffer to death because of the new habitat is the wrong habitat.

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If the orcas habitat was destroyed their would be trouble in that food chain.There will be to many seals and the wont have enough fish to eat and it would damage their food chain.

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I'm pretty sure they would die out, because they would have to move to a different place and then they would die out.

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The animal would quickly adapt to the new environment.

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i think it would be tigers

What would happen if a Savannah was destroyed?

Ifa Savannah was destroyed,then all the animals living in that habitat would die.Desertification could occur because all the grass and trees are destroyed thus meaning that the desert could gain.If a national park was built,tourism would not occur and money would not be made.So there are many effects when a ecosystem is destroyed,like this Savannah

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Grasshoppers would lose their habitat and source of food. In cases of drought, greenery is destroyed. This would furthur expose the green grasshoppers on the brown land, and making it easier to prey on.

What will happen if something in a habitat fails?

Im No Entirely Sure what you mean but if a habitat fails you give all the "nessesities" the animal plant etc need's,the species will a plant would die. in the case of a animal it would have to find a new place to live with all the right qualitys for its survival.

What will happen if an animal is moved to another habitat?

it would die from the sudden change of temperature for example, bringing polar bear from north pole to Singapore.

If the planets are destroyed what would happen to the world?

it will be destroyed, considering Earth is a planet.

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Without home rules, there would likely be chaos and confusion within the household. Clear rules help set expectations, promote order, and minimize conflicts among family members. Establishing home rules also fosters a sense of structure and respect within the home environment.