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Because of the nature of cell walls an animal with cells surrounded with cell walls would be unable to move properly as the cell walls generally block most animal hormones and nerve signals.

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Q: What would happen if human cells had cell walls?
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What would happen if we didnt have a cell wall in our cells?

Without cell membranes there would be no cells! The cell membrane defines the boundary between cell and "noncell".

Where would you find cell walls?

in pat cells and animals cells

What would happen if animal cells had cell walls?

there entire body wold become ridged and with existing facility's the subjects wold be unable to absorb nutrient's.

What would be the major disadvantage for human cells to have cell walls?

The main disadvantage of the lack of cell walls found in the cells of all animals, humans included, is the fragility of these cells, causing very easy abrasions. However, the flexibility provided allows humans and other animals so much more freedom of movement.

Why do you think animal cells have cell membranes instead of cell walls?

Cell walls hold cells stiff so trees can grow tall. Cell membranes are flexible so animals can bend and move about. No tree can scratch itself where it itches. There is a disease that makes people so stiff they can not move. That would happen to everyone if they had cell walls.

Why don't humans have cell walls?

Human cells are animal cells, which don't have cell walls. Bacteria, fungus and plants, on the other hand, do have cell walls. This is actually a good thing because many antibiotics attack the cell walls of bacteria and weaken them so they will lyse, or rupture. If animal cells had these cell walls, then the antibiotics that we take to kill off bad bacteria would actually hurt us as well.

What will happen to you if cells were detroyed?

Your cells would repair themselves ..

What organisms have cell walls around their cells?

only plants have cell walls, so all plants would be the answer.

What would happen to the body if the membranes got damaged in the human body?

It depends oh how many membranes were damaged and what kinds of cells were damaged.

What would happen if the human stomach was cut in half?

if the human stomach was cut in half you would see blood cells, the small intestine, the large intestineand lots of blood :) and y do u want to know

Does the human body have more bacterial or human cells?

it has more human cells actually the human body has more bacterial cells. Although it may seem more likely that the human body would have more human cells than bacterial cells. -Vasillisa

How many chromosomes are in human kidney cells?

Human kidney cells are body cells, so they would have 46 chromosomes.