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That may be cancer. Cancer cells divide very fast and not in the right way. So if cells divide fast, mistakes may happen, and cancer occurs. Of course, I and many others think that's very sad for those who have cancer.

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Q: What would happen if mitosis takes place at rate faster thn normal?
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Replication does not take place during mitosis. It takes place before meiosis begins.

If a normal cell divides you can assume what?

if a normal cell divides you can assume that

Where is the process of mitosis?

Mitosis takes place in meristematic cells.

Is meiosis mitosis happening twice?

Mieosis takes place twice. Mitosis takes place only once

What must happen before meiosis or mitosis can take place?

Before Meiosis 2, the cell must first go through Meiosis 1. This is when the cell splits into two cells, each with two chromosomes.

What happens during m phase (mitosis) of the cell cycle?

Nuclear division by mitosis or meiosis

What is taking place in a cell when it is not undergoing mitosis?

DNA replication is the process that occurs when mitosis is not in process. Mitosis divides chromosomes in the cell nucleus.

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Hasn't taken place yet, and will probably never happen.

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Does Mitosis occur in the lining of the stomach?

No, mitosis does not take place in the lining of the stomach. It actually takes place in the inside of the abdomen, which people usually mistake for the stomach.

What is the meaning of mitosis and when does it occur?

Mitosis is a cellular process in which the replicated chromosomes of a cell are separated into two pairs of identical genetic material. Mitosis, together with cytokinesis, results in the division of a cell into two identical daughter cells. It is through mitosis and cytokinesis that eukaryotic cells like our own replicate. Mitosis takes place after interphase, which is the part of a cell's life in which it carries out all of its normal functions, such as the synthesis of proteins, uptake of nutrients, etc.

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The fertility of surface and non-surface layers decrease