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There would be no existence of sexual reproduction; organisms would not grow very large at all, and almost all of them would remain single-cellular organisms.

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Q: What would happen if mitosis were the only means of cell division?
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What would happen if the cell went through mitosis but not cytokinesis?

Cell division would not occur.

Does mitosis result in genetic diversity?

No, mitosis is just cell division, mostly somatic cells, and the mutations that would happen in these cells are not inherited as these body cells die without progeny.

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What if there is no division what we can do

What is a pattern of growth DNA duplication and division?

I asume you mean mitosis, not would be metaphase, prophase, and telophase.

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What would happen if mitosis stopped working?

we;d die

What would happen if mitosis became uncontrolled?

Tumor grows

What would happen if cytokinesis occurred without mitosis?

the cell would not form

What purpose does mitosis serve in development and growth?

Mitosis is the process of cell division that occurs in living things except in the gonads (sex cells). In mitosis the "daughter" cells have the same number of chromosomes as the original cell. During mitosis, a cell splits in two passing on the genetic material.

Would a cell survive if it went through mitosis but not cytokineses?

No, because cytokinesis is the actual division of the cytoplasm which is necessary for true cell division.

What would happen if cylin was injected into a cell that has mitosis?

Pee pods would pear

What would happen if cytokineses occurred without mitosis?

The cell ensures that mitosis and cytokinesis occurred without any mistakes.