

Best Answer

Short answer: Screw you over, possibly kill you.

Long answer:

OKay don't judge me, just take this as it is - an answer

I got myself pretty messed up over a month. Tons of alcohol and caffine, drugs etc....and very little sleep. By the end of the month I was a emotional wreck.

For reasons I can't explain, I got myself in a situation where I thought killing myself would be the best idea.

I had 100ml's of lidocaine (don't ask why), and got a large round table spoon, filled the spoon and downed it (tastes terrible, and immediately numbs your tongue and throat which feels horrible)

I thought it may not be enough to kill me, but it would certainly relax me and put me to sleep - and frankly I didn't care if I never woke up from this sleep. I then put the lidocaine back in my room and went to the lounge.

Someone else was in the lounge. Apparently I was quite sobber and coherent for a few minutes. I laid on the couch expecting to feel very relaxed, and maybe even loose consciousness. Apparently within minutes I lost consciousness and my body began swaying on the couch. I fell head first off the couch (I wouldn't have felt this so I stayed asleep). My friend picked me up and suddenly I started screaming and kicking my legs all over the place. The scream was descibed as "like the devil screaming from within 'RELEASE ME!'". My eyes were opened by my friend, they were looking in different directions and the whites of the eyes were red. It was like I was possessed. Needless to say, my friend was terrified.

I only have one faint memory of my little episode in the lounge, I awoke momentarily it felt like I was constantly spinning and falling in every direction at once (probably why I was screaming). My sight was also impaired, it actually looked like I was spinning. The spinning is hard to describe. It didn't feel like continuously spinning all the way around, but rather a half spin on a constant loop, if that makes sense.

My memory kicks in again a minute later. Two people were helping me up the hallway to my bedroom (two grown men). I could not hold myself up to save myself. I was desperatly confused, and even thought I had taken acid as everything seemed surreal (not in a good, trippy way....).

I was put in my bed (top bunk). I had no sense of gravity and believed I could fly, and jumped off my bed. Hit the ground (massive bruises on my knees the next day). Couldn't feel anything. I was lifted back onto the bed.

I laid there and rapidly starting coming back to my senses and suddenly remembered taking the lidocaine and tried to piece together what had just happened. The entire episode lasted about 3 minutes.

My eye sight would cycle from normal to glowing red for over an hour. My heart was racing and my body felt numb. One really noticable thing was everything sounded tinny, like everything I heard was coming through a long metal drain pipe. This sound problem went on for hours.

I got out of bed to have a shower. I COULD NOT WALK STRAIGHT! I didn't feel remotely intoxicated after 2 hours of lying down, but had an extreme inability to coordinate every muscle in my body. I went into the lounge to talk to my friend .... was near impossible to structure the sentences together, and coordinate my mouth, jaw and tounge. "What ever you took, don't take it again" he said.

I stumbled (honestly TRYING MY HARDESTED to walk properly) all the way to the shower, and then took 4 attempts to get myself on my bunk.

After 6 hours of sleeplessness I got out of bed when the sun came up. The drug had well and truly worn off, but every time I burped there was a taste of lidocaine in my breath, it was still in my digestive system for the whole day - a constant reminder of my stupidity the night before.

Sorry for the long story, but just a warning: It will screw you over, and if you're trying to kill yourself, it would probably still screw you over.

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