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Q: What would happen if something blocked most of the sunlight?
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Why are shadows cast on the ground?

A shadow is a place where direct light has been blocked from reaching in the presence of direct light around it. Because most direct light is received from the sun, the shadow is cast on the ground. The light would normally have reached the ground, but something (a person, a building, a cloud, etc.) blocked the light between the sun and the ground resulting in a shadow.

What would happen if the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface decreased?

Plants require sunlight to produce their food, without sunlight plants would die from starvation.If the plants all died then the animals that eat plants (herbivores) would also run out of food and die of starvation.If herbivores ran out of food and died then animals that eat other animals (carnivores) would run out of food and die of starvation.Once all the plants and animals were gone, insects, bacteria and fungus would have no food supply left either and would also die.This is an extreme example based on the loss of ALL sunlight. If the amount of sunlight were to just decrease then we would expect a much less extreme result. Less sunlight would result in less plant growth, less food for herbivores, less food for carnivores, etc. The amount of life that the earth could sustain would decrease but would not in my opinion disappear altogether.

What would happen if you throw a wrench in space?

Two things . . . -- You would move backward, and keep moving until you either bumped into something or came to the end of your tether. -- The wrench would keep going, in a straight line at constant speed, until it either bumped into something, or got turned in a different direction by gravitational attraction to something that it passed by, or passed by something close enough to enter orbit around it.

What would happen if a god went down to hades?

a god will not went down to hades unless they have something to tell him (gods are immortal, dulh)

Why it is cooler in the white car than a dark car?

Because white reflects sunlight, and black absorbs sunlight. Therefore, a white car would be cooler.