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Q: What would happen if the distance between earth and the decrease?
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What could cause the gravity between the earth and the sun to decrease?

The mutual force of gravitation between the earth and the sun would decrease if the mass of either body decreased, or if the distance between them increased.

Why does the weight of an object decrease with increase in distance from the centre of the earth?

Because Earth's gravity is becoming less and less with the larger amount of distance between it and the object.

The Moon is slowly moving away from Earth. What will eventually happen to the gravitational force between Earth and the moon Why?

The Moon exerts a tidal force on the Earth, causing a bulge. ... But, since we just said that the force is gravitational and we know that gravity decreases with distance, we know that the force will also decrease with distance. That means the rate at which the Moon recedes will decrease with time.

What happen to the force of gravity when you get further from the earth?

As you get further away from Earth, the gravitational forces between you and Earth decrease. But the gravitational forces between you and something else might increase, like between you and the moon, or between you and the sun.

What would happen to Earth and tides if the distance between Earth and the Moon increased?

Tides would become stronger.

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Tides would become stronger.

What would happen to the magnitude of the gravitational force between the sun and Earth if Earth were placed in Pluto's orbit?

The magnitude of the force would decrease greatly.

What would happen to the magnitude of the gravitational force between the suns and earth if earth were placed in Pluto's orbit?

The magnitude of the force would decrease greatly.

Why does weight decrease with increase in height?

Gravity between two objects is affected by the weights of the two objects and the distance between them. The further u go from the earth the weaker the gravity becomes between u and the earth

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The gravitational force (or attraction) between any two objects increases as the distance between them decreases. Thus, as an asteroid approaches Earth, the Earth's gravitational pull will increase as it gets nearer.

Which of these does not contribute to the changing of seasons A distance between the Earth and Moon B distance between Earth and Sun C distance between Earth and Venus D alignment of the Universe?

distance between the earth and the sun.

What will happen if the max distance of the earth from the sun exceeded and when the min distance decreases?

Greater differences between summer and winter and more extreme weather.