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The sun would rise in south and set in the north. Also the poles would become the equator and the equator the poles.

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Q: What would happen if the earth spun north to south instead of east to west?
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They would freeze to death

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The farthest point north on the Earth is the North Pole. The farthest point south on the Earth is the South Pole.

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It is - every winter (in the north).

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The aurora borealis and aurora australis occur in the thermosphere.

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Most living things would fry from the cosmic radiation from the Sun.

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One Contributors OpinionIn 2012 the next polar reversal will take place on earth. This means that the North Pole will be changed into the South Pole. Scientifically this can only be explained by the fact that the earth will start rotating in the opposite direction, together with a huge disaster of unknown proportions.

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There are no mountains at the North Pole - the 'land' at the North Pole is all under water. There is only surface ice.