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Q: What would happen if the sphincter muscle was severed?
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What would happen if the anal sphincter failed?

There are 2 anal sphincter's; if they fail then feces will drip out of the anus.

Can cattle drown while in water due to sphincter muscle?

No! The sphincter muscle has nothing to do with how a cow breathes! A cow would drown if she cannot swim or if she gets too much water in the lungs.

Is the Sphincter a voluntary muscle?

The anal sphincter and the bladder sphincter in potty trained children and in most other people whose spinal cords are intact or are not suffering from some diseases.

Is the bladder a voluntary muscle?

The majority of the bladder is made of detrusor muscle. This muscle is told by the nervous system to contract when it expands. This is what causes the feeling of needing to urinate. In order to urinate the involuntary muscle the internal sphincter, and the voluntary muscle the external sphincter must both be opened. The detrusor muscle moves involuntarily, so the bladder would probably considered an involuntary muscle.

What are muscles that are found at the opening of the body?

Well, your anus contains the anal sphincter which, technically, is an opening of the body. So I would probably say the answer you are looking for is a sphincter muscle. Otherwise known as circular muscles

Which sphincter would close in the person who was sunbathing?

The sphincter that controls the pupil of the eye.

What would happen if you did not have muscle cells?

You would be like a balloon with no air,useless!!

What would happen if you didn't stretch your muscle cramps?

They would last longer.

How does your stomach squeeze the food in it?

If you are referring to the digestive system, I believe this would be the pyloric sphincter. After the stomach turns dry food into a wet mass, it delivers it to the duodenum via the pyloric sphincter (muscle).

What would happen if we had no muscle tissue?

You would explode like an ant when it eats grits.

What would happen if muscle cell stopped working?

if muscle cells stop working then we are not able to perform activites related to our muscle cells.

What do you think would happen if the control connection is accidentally severed during the FTP transfer?

if in the middle of a data transfer then this would be interrupted and would not resume until control connection was re-established.