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Q: What would happen if there was no drag on a plane?
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What is drag on a plane?

drag is minimized by aerofoil shape. drag is a force acts on aircraft to minimize speed

What would happen if the earth was plane?

we would all obviously die

What would happen if a plane did not have a wing?

If the plane was in air, it will tip over and most likely crash.

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Do the flaps on a plane affect how fast the plane flies?

yes. the flaps increase drag which slows the plane down.

What would happen to an plane at 7 miles?

it would taxi. (drive like a car.)

What is the flape on the plane and how do they help the plane?

the flaps on a plane increase drag and they create lift so the piolt can fly the plane at a lower speed.

What causes drag on an airplane?

Two things: first, friction between the outside of the plane and the air it's passing through. Second, turbulence in the air will drag on the plane.

What would happen if you were on a plane and had no weight to you?

If you were on a plane and had no weight to you you would float in the plane like there was no gravity, even though there is but if the plane was angled precisely you can float in the plane as if gravity was turned off. But this only lasts a few minutes as you come closer to land.

What is a aeroplanes drag?

Drag is simply an external force that affects the motion of airplanes and offers resistance to the motion of the plane.Drag force of a flying plane is compensated by the weight of the plane and the the the forward motion. Drag is simply an external force that affects the motion of airplanes and offers resistance to the motion of the plane.Drag force of a flying plane is compensated by the weight of the plane and the the the forward motion.

Can you put floats on a tail drag bush plane?


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