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Q: What would happen if you are malnourished?
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What would happen if you only drank soybean drinks and did not eat?

Soybeans do not contain all of the nutrients that a person needs. So, you would eventually become malnourished.

What will happen if i don't eat anything for two weeks?

You can become very weak, malnourished, and potentially die.

What is a sentence for malnourished?

The dogs were very malnourished when they were rescued.She looked malnourished so they called an ambulance.

Can you give a example of Malnourished in a sentence?

We cared for the malnourished puppy.

How do you use malnourished in a sentence?

My aunt was malnourished because she had a cold.

How do you use the word malnourished in a sentence?

Eg) Many children in the third world are malnourished The dog was malnourished due to abandonment

What classifies someone being malnourished?

if you take them to the doc and he/she says that they are malnourished

What does it mean to say that a farm animal is malnourished?

A farm animal or any animal in general being malnourished means they aren't getting the nutrients (nourishment) and food that they need in order to be healthy, a malnourished child for instance would be sickly because they lack the nutrients needed to be healthy.

What would happen to penguins if they did not have food?

If penguins did not have food, they would become weak and malnourished. They would likely suffer from starvation and their overall health and well-being would decline. Eventually, this could lead to death if they are unable to find sufficient food sources.

What would happen if you stop producing sufficient quantities of bile salts?

Bile salts are responsible for absorbing fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the small intestine. Therefore, one would become very malnourished without sufficient bile salt production.

What happens when a malnourished person eats too much... As in if someone who hasn't ate in two weeks was given a steak and ate it without the initial weaning-in process what would happen?

They would probably throw it up...they could die, also if this person was still alive that would be incredible to begin with

If you could shrink the world's population proportionally to 100 people half would be malnourished and half the wealth would be controlled by six people in what country?

If the world's population were represented by 100 people proportionally, half of them would be malnourished and half the wealth would be controlled by six people in the United States.