

What would happen if you ate raw chicken?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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You die.

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Q: What would happen if you ate raw chicken?
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yes you would get sick if you ate raw bacon.

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You'll probably throw up!

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well one thing is that you should never eat raw pork and bacon is pork so it could be bad for your health

What do animals get if they eat a dead animal?

most animals have a very good immune system and don't get anything from eating dead animals. For example if you ate raw chicken, you could get food poisoning but if a dog ate raw chicken it would be fine. Other urban 'carrion' eaters include, foxes, crows, and some acclimatised mice, as well as rats.

If you add raw chicken to the same pan as your half-fried chicken will the fried chicken get germs from the raw ones?

yes it would , but if you are going to keep cooking , then the germs on both raw and half-fried chicken will die.

What substances is made of protein?

Chicken. It can be fried, baked, roasted, broil, grilled, stir fried, sun dried, ate raw.

Is there a such thing as raw chicken?

Yes, after the chicken is killed and before it is cooked, it is raw chicken.

Is it right to use the same knife to prepare raw chicken and raw cucumbers?

Absolutely not. Raw chicken contains Salmonella and there is nothing in a cucumber that would neutralize that. By using the same knife to prepare raw chicken and then ANY vegetable results in cross-contamination.

Can you catch a bullhead with raw chicken?

Yes, raw chicken pieces work. But I find that raw chicken livers work best.

What are raw foods?

raw foods are foods that are not cooked and ate raw

Can you cook raw shrimp and raw chicken together?

That would not be a good idea. If you start the chicken first and get it almost completely cooked and then add the shrimp, you would be okay. If you start them at the same time, the shrimp will be terrible overdone and rubbery. If you pull the shrimp out as soon as it is done, it will be contaminated by the still raw chicken.