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The Greek goddess Athena would be wrathful.

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Q: What would happen if you dis obeyed the Greek god Athena?
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What would happen if you disobeyed Athena the Greek god?

The Greek goddess Athena would be wrathful.

What happens if you disobeyed Athena the Greek god?

The Greek goddess Athena would be wrathful.

Who is Athena the Greek goddess love?

Athena is not the Greek goddess of love. That would be Aphrodite. Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom, the arts, and battle strategies. She was born from Zeus' head.

What would happen if avogadros law was not obeyed?

"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria." Actually, Avogadro's Law isn't obeyed exactly by real gases, so what would happen is what does happen. If it wasn't obeyed even approximately, then the ideal gas law would no longer be a good predictor of real gas behavior, and chemistry class would get a lot more complicated.

Did the greek god Athena love Hecules?

No, the Greek goddess Athena did not love Heracles; she was goddess of heroic endeavor so Heracles would ask her help and favor.

Who was the most famous Greek goddess?

I would say Athena and hera

If any Greek god could be your parent who would you choose?

I would choose Athena

Could Athena have children with another god?

In Greek mythology, Athena did not and would not have children at all. She was one of the virgin goddesses.

The city of Athens is named after which greek goddes?

Athens was named after the Greek Goddess Athena. In Greek mythology, she and Poseidon competed for the city. Zeus challenged them to create something that would be the most helpful to the people of the city. Poseidon created horse. Athena created the olive tree. Since the tree created both fruit and wood, she won.

What would happen if humans didn't worship Athena?

She wouldn't like it.

What were Athena the Greek goddess of wisdom's favorite animals?

Owl that's why they say owls are animals of wisdom because Athena would carry them

What Greek goddesses made men gracious wise?

Athena was the goddess of wisdom. Greek men would often pray to her for wisdom and battle strategy. Athena is known to regularly assist her favorite humans in battle.