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Sperm would come out of your mouth

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Q: What would happen if you eat too much sugar?
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What will happen to your body if you eat to much sugar?

If you eat to much sugar u can get fat, lose teeth, make u tired and it can make you hyperactive.

What would happen if you eat 25 buckets of sugar?

You would get realy hyper and probally sick.

What can happen if you eat too much sugar canes?

Cavities, heart attack, obesity etc!

What would massie block eat?

massie block would eat anything sugar-free. her coffees are always that way. she is a normal person and she will eat anything. but she wont eat anything with to much fat and sugar.

What would happen if frogs eat pesticide?

They would most likely die but it depends on how much they eat.

What happen if you eat off icing sugar?

Then you get fat.

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If 100units of an insulin injection was given instead of 10units what would happen?

the diabetic would eat into it if they knew but if they didn't his/her blood sugar would go very low.

What are facts about sugar?

Sugar is stikcy sweet stuff you can eat. But if you eat too much you will get sick.

How much sugar should kids eat?

It would be hard to say i'd say about 50 g.

Can horses eat donuts?

NO!! Donuts have too much fat for horses and the sugar would make them sick!!!

What happens when you eat to much sugar?

You can get sick.