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Your body would go into a state of shock, possible seizures, and eventually lead to paralysis due to the fact that this is incredibly stupid.

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absolutely nothing

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Q: What would happen if you fart and burp at the same time?
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What would happen if you fart burp cough and sneeze at the same time?

You might turn inside out lol rofl goood question ;)Tatty Byeeeexx

can you fart and sneeze at the same time?

To sneeze and burp or hiccup is possible to fart and burp at the same time is rare but to do all of them at the same time is anatomically impossible.

Can you fart and burp at the same time?

No it won't cause a vacuum. It would release pressure. I just did it that's how I found this!

What happens when you fart and burp at sametime?

Isn't it upsetting when this happens? Often when eating, we swallow a lot air and that will be "burped" up. At the same time, the air we swallowed from an earlier time has gotten into the colon and the pressure from the burp seems to cause the fart.

Is fart and burp the same?

Technically, yes. Because in farting and burping, gases are being released by your body. Although burps don't smell as much as farts, it is still the same.

Can you fart piss sneeze burp and puke and hiccup at the same time?

no. burping and puking share the same passage (stomach -> esophagus -> mouth) ; ergo, those 2 acts cannot occur simiultaneously it is impossible to sneeze, burp, and puke, and hiccup together unless u are superman in a sense. Although farting and pissing is possible. you should try it.

Can a betta fish burp?

Not in the same way that people 'burp' but they can and do 'gulp' air.

Why do chimps fart?

The same reasin you and I fart

Why do grannies fart?

The same reasin you fart

What is a sneeze fart?

No............ why would you even ask that? But you know what? My saying is that there is no such thing as a stupid question. ONLY STUPID PEOPLE ASKING QUESTIONS!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

What is fart in spanish?

It is the same way you fart in english

Do bats burp?

no bats don't burp because scientifically they don't have the same intestines as humans and other types of mammals.