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it would die

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Q: What would happen if you put a hamster with a tarantula?
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What would happen if you put music on a hamster?

It would probably hate you or die

What would happen if you put a small female hamster and a big female hamster in the same cage?

The big hampster would pwn the little one.

Put tarantula in a sentence?

A lot of people would be terrified at the sight of a tarantula.

What happens when you put a hamster in a clothes dryer?

Most Likely, The Hamster Will Go Into Pure Shock, And Will Commonly Die, But Thats What I Think Would Happen. :) Please, Don't Hurt Your Animal

What will happen if you put a inside hamster out side in cold weather?

It will poop itself and die. So why the hell would you do that? -mmb 1O12O9.

What will happen if you put a dog cat hamster in a room together?

The cat will eat the hamster and the cat and dog will get in a fight that will end badly

What could happen to a hamster if they are put in the sun?

if its hot enough they could faint

What if you bath your hamster what will happen?

You do not want to put your hamster in water, it could drown. To give a hamster a ''bath'' you can use a barely damp wash cloth and stroke it down it's body.

What will happen if you put a hamster on a plane?

well basically you know when we are on a plain our ears pop well the hamster cant handle it mostly females they will die male hamsters could live but its very rare and it would possibly be very ill and die anyway,so dont put your hamster on a plain and if you know this and still put your hamster on the plain u a jackass and you should go to hell so anyway now you know.

How do you say .broken. and .hamster cage. in spanish?

(It would not let me put commas.) broken-- hamster cage--

What happens if you put a tarantula next to a toad?

If you put a tarantula next to a toad the toad will stick its tongue out and throw it in the pond

How do you put a hamster down?

the real question is why would you want to!