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I would probably be arrested.

You should show restraint and tell her to get dressed.

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4y ago

Just why did I click on this!! You would get arrested your 16 which is the age of consent but under that no legal action will be served on you maybe your parents.

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Q: What would happen if your 13 year old girlfriend gets naked in front of you?
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the gay male can possibly be turned on.This is one of those questions that can be answered by turning it around. What would happen if a female stood naked in front of you? Depending on the circumstances, you might:make a pass at herpolitely ignore herexcuse yourself and leave (or turn so you weren't looking at her)ask that she go elsewhereapologize and say you hadn't realized you were in a nudist colonyoffer her a coat, or somethingIncidentally, it's also quite possible that that gay male will not find you attractive. After all, I doubt that you would find every naked woman attractive!

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