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Q: What would happen to a cheek cell if it was placed in a petri dish full of salt water?
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When the onion and cheek epithelial cells was placed in the distilled water?

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When the onion cell is placed in the pure water the size of the cell would be bigger after one hour but when you placed the cheek cell into the pure water it will burst why is that so?

An Onion cell as a contractile vacuole. This allows the cells to remover more water especially when placed into a hypotonic solution. An epithelial skin cell of the cheek does not have a contractile vacuole. The acess water cannot be stored, therefore the cell bursts.

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Nothing will happen to a a raw egg when placed into sparkling water.

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when a vegetable is placed in very salty water, the vegetable becomes soft and collapses. Why does this happen?

When a vegetable is placed in very salty water the vegetable becomes soft and collapses . why does this happen?

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I will explode!!

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