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Q: What would happen to a plant if it was taken it out of its natural habitat?
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They are grey in there natural habitat but once they are taken out of water they will turn pink.

What would happen to a zebra if it were taken from its habitat and moved to another one?

it would probably die

Why is it important conserving wildlife habitat?

Its important because if we take all their habitat, the animals won't have a place to live any more. Also, for animals who only have one type and species of plant or animal they can eat, and if their natural habitat, probably the only place with that food, is taken away, the animal will become extinct from starvation. And the the values of the natural habitat and the biodiversity will be destroyed. There might also even be a mass extinction of that particular group that species belongs to.

Would a panda survive if it was taken away from its natural habitat?

if you would give it another cold environment.. yes

What would happen if a raccoon was taken from its habitat or moved to another one?

The animal would quickly adapt to the new environment.

What does endanged mean?

If an animal or plant is endangered, it means that threats to its survival are considerable, and that action must be taken to ensure its continued existence. This action often takes place in particular forms of greater protection for the animal or plant's habitat.

What would happen to horses if they where taken from their natural habatiat?

nothing would happen the hores on assutage and chinguatche island are all wild horses

What are the facts about endangered pandas?

panadas are endangerd because of their environment being destroyed by lumberjacks and by tem bing taken away from their natural habitat to be put in zoos

What mean endangered?

If an animal or plant is endangered, it means that threats to its survival are considerable, and that action must be taken to ensure its continued existence. This action often takes place in particular forms of greater protection for the animal or plant's habitat.

What would be most likely to happen to a plant that had working chloroplasts in its cells but had taken in a poison that kept mitochondria from working?

it stops growing..

What steps need to be taken to the black lace cactus?

There are no steps to be taken but the habitat.

How do swollen leaves help a plant to survive in warm conditions?

The swollen leaves are narrow so that less sunlight can be taken in for the plant because it already gets alot since its habitat is a warm enviroment so less sunlight would be ideal for it. So therefore less sunlight is taken in at the top of the leaves.