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Q: What would happen to an electromagnetic wave that never came into contact with matter?
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No matter how big the weight it will never be able to crush the diamond.

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Shugo chara isnt a real life experience and no matter how hard you try it will never happen.

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This fight would never happen, no matter how you look at it.

Is water an electromagnetic wave?

Never, ever, ever

What are two questions physicists have regarding antimatter?

1. Why is there more matter than antimatter in the Universe? Or: Why is there matter at all? (If there were the same amount of matter and antimatter, and it came into contact, it would quickly get destroyed. 2. If antimatter is so abundant, how come we've never come in contact with it or have been able to observe it?

If something is unlikely to happen does this mean that it will never happen?

No, it does not mean that it will never happen. Impossible means that it will never happen. unlikely to happen does mean that probably it will not happen..

All you want to do is make a real difference destroy those who corrupt how do you do this?

Making a difference is doable, but no matter what, corruption will happen. Evil will happen. It will never stop. Ever. Human condition.

What do you do if you lose something on poptropica and cant get it back and you need this item to coomplete an island?

Well, if you can't get it back no matter's probably a gitch and you should either see if you can contact a one of the creators or you might just have to start over with a new character. idk.....never had that happen before.

What can happen to radius?

bad, BAD things, let it go man because, it's GONE. You'll never get it back, no matter what Pi tells you and no matter how many times you get around to it. Save yourself.

Does dark matter have an electrical charge?

Based on just a few simple things that popular news magazines mentionwhen they talk about the weird subject of dark matter, we're pretty safein assuming that dark matter has no electrical charge.-- No place in the universe is known to have dark matter.-- Dark matter is hypothesized ("just a theory") but has never been observed.-- It can't have an electrical charge, because if it did, then---- it would interact with other observed electrical charges and observed electromagnetic fields,------ which is exactly what it doesn't do,-------- which is why it has never been observed and is called "dark" matter.

How about if you get caught with merchandise on you but the footage never showed you took something what will happen?

It doesn't matter if you were seen taking the item or not. You have it in your possession and that is all that is needed for a conviction.