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Q: What would happen to grass without light?
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African people would die without the grass

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there would be no electricity no lightning and such.....

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the grass will die

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what would happen to the grass underneath the board would be that the grass would shrivel up or turn brown because of the sunlight being blocked by the board. there would be less water and that would cause death or dehigration to the grass underneath.

If you put grass in a cupboard for 3 days what would happen to the grass?

it will die

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since the grass is the crickets food the population of crickets would decrease if all the grass was removed

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The plant would die. Chloroplast turns light into energy and without energy the plant would eventually die.

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It'd get pale

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what happen if there is no light house

What do you think would happen without the sun?

Without the sun, Earth would be in darkness except for minimal light from small stars and the moon. Plants would not survive due to lack of sunlight. Without plants animals would not have food and would also die.