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You would get a headache and an upset stomach.

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Q: What would happen to me if I took 24mg of melatonin and 800mg of ibuprofen?
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What would happen if you sort 800mg ibuprofen?

You become a dum@ss. If you want to get high, stick the pill in your rektum, then climb a ladder.

Is it safe to mix oxycodone 10mg with with ibuprofen 800mg?

Yes I would say! Not alot of it together but just normal doses wouldn't hurt! That's what my doctor gave me when I pulled a muscle in my back!

Increased amount of light would inhibit the production of which hormone?

the correct answer is melatonin. Have a lovely day :)

Can you take 2 advil then three hours later take 800mg ibuprofen?

Tylenol is acetaminophen, and Motrin is an ibuprofen. They can be taken together, I am a nurse and have done it many times myself, and for my patients. Just make sure you are giving the appropriate doses of both medications, and then yes, they can be given at the same time.

Glands that release hormone called melatonin?

The pineal gland is responsible for releasing melatonin.

How many 200mg ibuprofen tablets would harm a 15 year old girl?

Around the same amount as an adult. Make sure you eat some food with it.A 15 year old should be able to take up to 800mg. safely, with food or milk right before or shortly after consuming the medication. This is the equivalent to and 800 mg. Motrin (prescription strength). My doctor told me there is no difference in taking 4-200mg. Ibuprofen and actually taking 1-800mg. prescription pill.

What would happen if you overdosed on paracetamols?

Ibuprofen and Paracetamol affect the liver and stomach. By overdosing on either of these two medications liver and stomach damage can occur.

Which is better for a strained rotator cuff and ac joint ibuprofen or naproxen?

Naproxen is typically stronger than ibuprofen. It also carries more drug interactions and risks than ibuprofen. Naproxen also has an interaction with salicylates (such as aspirin), and taking it with other anticoagulants may increase the risk of bleeding (as with most NSAID's). I would try the ibuprofen, typically it's safe to take 800mg every 8 hours, and up to 1000mg if you're a bigger person. If it doesn't provide the relief needed, try the naproxen. If there is not a noticeable difference between the two medications, I would stick with the ibuprofen. ALWAYS talk to your doctor or pharmacist before mixing, changing, stopping, or starting a medication you are unsure of. ALWAYS follow the instructions on the packaging unless a doctor or pharmacist advises otherwise.

What would happen if you snorted Ibupofen 400Mg?

First of all, you could damage your nose. Second, you might feel some pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects, but it would not make you "high" because ibuprofen is just a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, it has no narcotic effects. The ibuprofen particles would also go into your lungs and possibly cause a blockage. Snorting it would probably also burn your nasal passages, that is why ibuprofen is coated, because it can cause a burning sensation.

Does melatonin cause depression?

No; the correct hormone for helping depression would be serotonin. Melatonin helps regulate biological rhythms.

While onOXYCODONE H 5 mg can you take ibuprofen?

Why the heck would you need ibuprofen while on Oxycodone?!?! Sheesh!

Do you take ibuprofen or Tylenol to prevent a blood clot?

Ibuprofen would be closest, but aspirin is better