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Naproxen is typically stronger than ibuprofen. It also carries more drug interactions and risks than ibuprofen. Naproxen also has an interaction with salicylates (such as aspirin), and taking it with other anticoagulants may increase the risk of bleeding (as with most NSAID's). I would try the ibuprofen, typically it's safe to take 800mg every 8 hours, and up to 1000mg if you're a bigger person. If it doesn't provide the relief needed, try the naproxen. If there is not a noticeable difference between the two medications, I would stick with the ibuprofen.

ALWAYS talk to your doctor or pharmacist before mixing, changing, stopping, or starting a medication you are unsure of.

ALWAYS follow the instructions on the packaging unless a doctor or pharmacist advises otherwise.

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Q: Which is better for a strained rotator cuff and ac joint ibuprofen or naproxen?
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I have prescriptions for naproxen 500mg tab tev and ibuprofen 800mg with is better for shoulder pain and inflammation?

ibuprofen is best for pain relief and to decrease inflamation.

Can you take naproxen and sulfamethoxazole together?

Naproxen is essentially ibuprofen, so no you should not take it if you're allergic to ibuprofen. Basically, stay away from drugs that are in the same family as ibuprofen, because you could have an allergic reaction to those medications as well.. For example, ibuprofen is a NSAID, so you should stay away from other NSAID medicines such as, aspirin, naproxen, celecoxib, etc.

Can you take Naproxen and gabapentin?

Yes the naproxen will increase absorption of the gabapentin by around 15%.

Is aspirin better than Ibuprofen for osteoarthritis?

They're both in the same class of anti-infammatories. Doesn't matter which one you took. The major difference is that the naproxen sodium is taken every 12 hrs as opposed to every 6-8 hours for ibuprofen.

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How do you get sore muscles?

Take a pain-reliever like naproxen (Aleve) or ibuprofen (Advil). That helps reduce inflammation as well as making you feel better. Stay hydrated. Massage will help get the lactic acid out of the muscles.

How do you get over sore muscles?

Take a pain-reliever like naproxen (Aleve) or ibuprofen (Advil). That helps reduce inflammation as well as making you feel better. Stay hydrated. Massage will help get the lactic acid out of the muscles.

Do you take ibuprofen or Tylenol to prevent a blood clot?

Ibuprofen would be closest, but aspirin is better

Will you get higher if you take a naproxen with hydrocodone?

No. Naproxen is an anti inflammatory, so does not make you high. You will likely get better pain relief though, when you take an anti inflammatory with an opioid painkiller.

What pian medications should you take for a inflammed rotator cuff?

Hey! I hope you're feeling better It is recommended that you avoid intense activity until you have fully recovered, and consume NSAIDs (ie. Ibuprofen and naproxen) to speed up the recovery process. You are also encouraged to apply cold packs to your shoulder for around 3-4 times a day. There is not much pain medication to consume, unless you do not mind being injected with steroids, which is injected into the tendon to reduce inflammation (Only advised if the pain is severe, and that you consult a doctor). I do, however, recommend that you consult a physical therapist. Cheers!

What is better acetaminophen or ibuprofen?

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are both considered pain killers, but one might be better than the other for certain symptoms. In my personal history, advil has worked better for cramps, joint pain, muscle pain, other pain of this nature. Acetaminophen works better at headaches and reducing the effects of fever. Its usually safe to switch between the two, but ask your doctor first, and then you can figure out which one works better for your symptoms.

Which is better for a toothache tramadol hcl 50mg or ibuprofen?

Go to the dentist.