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Q: What would happen to the moon's sky if the moon had air?
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What is the air pressure of the moon?

I would imagine it drops, because there is less gravity.

Has no moons?

The moon has no atmosphere. No air!

Can you use parachute fabric on the moon?

There is no air in the moons atmosphere so a parachute would not open.

Would a hot air balloon work on the moon?

No, the Moon has no atmosphere. The hot air does not have the colder air to be lighter than! Such a balloon would work on Mars or some moons of the larger planets which have some kind of an atmosphere.

What would happen if you took a tub of air and went to the moon and opened the tub?

the air would come out

What would happen to a sailboat if it was on the moon?

It would sit there beached on the Sea of Tranquility, becalmed by the fact that there is neither air nor water on the Moon.

How come when there is a full moon there is no clouds?

No air and no water on the Moon equals no thunderstorms.

What would happen if you took off your helmet in space?

well you would suffocate cause theres no air on the moon...

What would happen in a paper airplane was on the moon?

Nothing. There is no air to give it lift. It would fly as far as you could throw it before it settled on the surface.

Since it also hav gravity..Why moon has no air in it?

As the moons gravity is comparatively weak the escape velocity from the moon is much lower. The speed of the gasses would exceed this velocity and therefore escape to space. There are of course other factors that effect these matters.

Why a parachute would not be useful in landing on the moon?

Parachutes work because the resistance of the atmosphere slows them down.The moon has no atmosphere to speak of, therefore it would not impede the progress of a parachute. it would simply fall like a brick..Because there is or no air on moon parachutes need air to work. in other words a parachute on the moon would fall as fast as a block of leadActually there is gravity on the moon, but there is no air to slow the parachute down, and so it wouldn't make any difference to the falling speed.Parachutes need an atmosphere to work by causing air drag. The moon haven't got enough atmosphere for that to happen.

If you dropped a hammer and a feather on the moon at the same time which would hit the ground first?

Since they are both headed toward the center of the moon at the same rate of acceleration they should hit the moons surface at the same moment. No air resistance to speak of allows this.