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hey would die or be seriously injured

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Q: What would happen when you paintball a cow when they are sleeping?
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What would happen if a cow came falling down from space?

It won't happen....But would be pretty funny and creepy if it did though!

What would a cow boy hate to happen during a fight?

gun jam

What does tip a cow mean?

you push it to the ground while him or her is sleeping.

Why is 'koh wua ta lap' an island in Thailand called sleeping cow island?

It is called that because Sleeping Cow Island is the literal translation of Koh Wua To Lap, from Thai into English. I think the person who wrote this wants to know if there was a cow found sleeping on the island, so they named it that, or what is the REASON they named it that.

What would happen if a cow where given antibiotics that killed prokaryotes in their stomach?

Then that cow would get sick pretty quick because there's no way that the feed in her stomach can be properly digested.

Why is mad cow disease newsworhty?

it is newsworthy because it tells you about what would happen if you eat cows

What would happen if a cow could not belch?

This is exactly what happens when cows get what is called "bloat." A cow that cannot release gases built up in the rumen will die because of the intensifying pressure the rumen puts on the lungs, strangling the cow to death. So to answer your question, the cow would die.

When did Cow Clicker happen?

Cow Clicker was created in 2010-07.

What if your insides were replaced with a cows insides?

Well, if it did happen your body would try to adjust to your new insides. So, it would just react by turning you into a cow because the body knows when something needs to be fixed and that's turning you into a cow when you have cow insides.

What will happen if you try breed normal cow and star cow in harvest moon game for gamecube?

The only thing that will happen is the offspring will have a chance of being a normal or a star cow.

When did Iowa Cow War happen?

Iowa Cow War happened in 1931.

What is the energy efficiency of energy conversion in a cow?

There are many energy efficient cells working in the energy conservation in a cow. These include sleeping an extra amount to digest food.