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There might NOT be an all voluteer military; you couldn't vote in the coming election unless you were 21 years old.

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Q: What would have happened if the US have not become involved in the Vietnam War?
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Why did the us become involved in the Vietnam war-?

The US became involved in the Vietnam War in an attempt to stop the spread of Communism. The US worried that if South Vietnam fell, it would create a domino effect. The war lasted from 1955 to 1975.

How did the US get in the war with Vietnam?

Lots of possibilities here. My favorites, in no particular order: 1) politicians could not appear to be as "soft on Communism" by "losing" Vietnam; 2) the doctrine of containment required us to become involved; 3) it was believed that if Vietnam "fell," the rest of southeast Asia would follow.

Why did the Americans become involved in the Vietnam war in the first place?

Because of the Domino theory. The USA thought that if one country fell to Communism, all the nearby countries would do likewise.

What would have happened if you won the Vietnam war?

you would be proud of yourself but sad your friends died

What is the difference between the Vietnam war and the Domino theory?

There is no difference. It would have been more difficult to get involved in Vietnam WITHOUT the domino theory.

What was the reason for US aid for France in Vietnam?

They feared that Vietnam would become Communist if it should gain indepedence.

What would have happened if Vietnam had not invaded cambodia?

Then Cambodia is no more. Thanks to Pol Pot and his PLAN.

What was President Johnson afraid would happen if you didn't fight Vietnam?

That Vietnam would be taken over entirely by the Vietnamese Communists and that the entire Southeast Asia would also fall thereafter. However, even with the US being involved, the war in Vietnam was still lost to the Vietnamese Communists. But Southeast Asia didn't all become Communist and Vietnam is now a friendly country to the US. So the fact that the US fought in Vietnam did not change the final outcome there. But what Johnson was afraid of did not come through. So he was wrong on both counts.

What impact did Pearl Harbor have then and now?

It got America involved in the war. Who knows what would have happened if they didn't get involved.

What the the us fear would happen if they did not get involved with Vietnam?

The US feared that if Communism took over Vietnam it would spread and slowly take over the world. damien streeter

What was the next major conflict in which the US was involved after World War 2?

The Vietnam War No, it would have been Korea

What would have happened to Georgia if the English had not settle it?

it would have not become a state