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Q: What would have happened in 1818 if Missouri had joined the Union as a slave state?
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What is the importance of the Missouri compromise?

Missouri just joined the union as a slave state

What would have happened if Missouri entered the Union as a Slave state?

That's exactly what happened, as specified by the Missouri Compromise of 1820!

What free state joined the union as part of the Missouri comprise?

Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

What slave states joined the Union between 1820 and 1854?

Missouri (1821), Arkansas (1836), Florida (1845), and Texas (1845) Hope this helps! :)

What happened to the slave states that stayed in the union when the civil war began?

After a short time they joined the Union side and fought against the Confederacy. However a part of their citizen, especially those of Missouri and Kentucky, enlisted themselves voluntarily in the Confederate Army.

What state joined as a free state when Missouri joined as a slave state?


Was Maine a slave state during the civil war?

Nope, Maine was also a anti-slavery state since the start of it's joining into the Union in 1820. Maine joined the Union from the Compromise of 1820. Missouri wanted to become a slave state, but in order to keep a balance between slave to anti-slave states, Maine was then admitted to the Union as a free state(Missouri Compromise of 1820).

How many slave states remained in the Union and fought against the Confederacy in the Civil War?

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri were four slave states that did not secede from the Union. West Virginia, another slave state, seceded from Virginia and joined the Union during the Civil War. it was 4 that didn't secede from the union.

What free state was added to the US during the Missouri Compromise?

Missouri joined as a slave state and Maine joined as a free state.

What did the The Missouri Compromise propose?

Missouri would be admitted to the union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

Missouri was admitted to the union as a?

Missouri was admitted as a slave state. This was part of the Missouri compromise in which Missouri would enter as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

Which state was added to the union as a slave state because of The Missouri Compromise?
