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it means that u did something wrong and u want to fix it

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Q: What would it mean if an effective vaccination were developed against the malaria parasite?
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How a vaccination can help protect the body against disease?

Vaccination is of various types. Vaccination involves the injection of weakened form of the parasite, that the body's immune system recognizes and stores it in the memory. This is called Adaptive Active Immunity. Whenever the parasite enters your system again, the B-Cells recognize the foreign particles, thus destroying them.

Who discovered vaccination against mumps?

Maurice Hilleman developed the first effective mumps vaccine in 1963. It was tested and became commercially available in 1967. It was created from live mumps viruses. Before that, starting in 1950, there had been a vaccine made from killed mumps viruses but it was not very effective or long-lasting.

Who was Johnson?

Jerry Johnson(born December 3, 1943 in Miami, Florida) is a former Major League Baseball pitcher from 1968 through 1977.

Vaccination against the hepatitis A virus is unnecessary if you?

Vaccination against hepatitis A is unnecessary if you have already had the infection.

When were antibiotics against TB discovered?

Streptomycin was developed in the early 1940s and was the first antibiotic effective against the disease.

Is there a vaccination for epilepsy?

Epilepsy is not an infectious disease, so it cannot have a vaccine. It is a physical condition, so trying to get a vaccination against it is like trying to get a vaccination against breaking your arm.

Can vaccination against influenza prevent pneumonia?

Yearly vaccination against influenza can decrease the risk of pneumonia for certain patients

How can fluke infections be prevented?

No vaccines have been developed that are effective against lung or liver fluke infections.

What is the jab called that you get against diseases?


What is herd vaccination?

Herd vaccination refers to when the majority of a population or commumity are vaccinated that it creates immunity against a specific disease that they were vaccinated for. It creates some safety for the nonvaccinated individuals since the majority of the group have developed immunity and are protected from contracting and spreading the disease to others.

How active vaccination protect the body against disease?

Active vaccination produces antibodies against the particular organism. These antibodies kill the invading pathogen and protect the body against the disease.